Garissa County and Dadaab Sub - County

Conflict Sensitivity Assessment ABLI II

Danish Refugee Council (DRC)

Bodhi is conducting a Conflict Sensitivity Assessment to promote conflict-sensitive policies, programs, and service delivery in Garissa County. This assessment aims to provide key stakeholders with a better understanding of the types of conflict to be addressed and to support DRC and its partners in implementing the ABLI Garissa phase II project in a conflict-sensitive manner by assessing conflict sensitivity risks and developing mitigation measures. The assessment follows the United Nations Sustainable Development Group’s (UNSDG) Good Practice Note on Conflict Sensitivity, Peacebuilding, and Sustaining Peace, which provides guidelines for integrating conflict-sensitive approaches into development programming, from design to Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL). It is highly participatory, ensuring the experiences and perspectives of project stakeholders, including refugees, host communities, and marginalised groups, are fully integrated into the analysis and recommendations. Additionally, it ensures gender equality and social inclusion (GESI).