
WFP Conflict Sensitivity Risk Assessment

Search for Common Ground

Bodhi conducted a Conflict Sensitivity Risk Assessment for the World Food Programme (WFP) in Borno and Yobe States, Nigeria. The purpose of this assessment was to ensure the conflict sensitivity of WFP’s humanitarian interventions in these regions, focusing on understanding the local conflict dynamics and identifying risks associated with program implementation. The assessment aimed to promote conflict-sensitive policies, programs, and service delivery by WFP and its partners. To achieve these objectives, Bodhi employed a mixed-methods approach, including a comprehensive desk review, Key Informant Interviews (KIIs), Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), and a quantitative household survey. This approach allowed for the triangulation of multiple data sources to ensure accurate and reliable findings. The assessment covered six thematic areas: Targeting and Prioritisation, Collaboration with Government and Local Actors, Community Engagement, Access to Land and Natural Resources, Procurement and Logistics Processes, and Staff and Partner Capacities. The study highlighted key conflict drivers such as youth marginalisation, gender inequality, violent extremism, and competition over resources, providing insights and recommendations to mitigate conflict sensitivity risks and enhance the effectiveness of WFP’s interventions in promoting peace and stability in Borno and Yobe States.

Research team