Adamawa State, Borno State

Analysis of the Impact of Conflict on Women and Children in Northwest Nigeria

Search for Common Ground

Bodhi conducted a research project for Search for Common Ground, focusing on scanning the conflict context in Monguno, Jere, and Kukawa Local Government Areas (LGAs) in Borno State, North East Nigeria. This study supported the RESILIAC project, which aims to contribute to economic recovery and strengthen resilience and social cohesion in Lake Chad basin territories most affected by the Lake Chad crisis and climate change. We implemented a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative interviews with quantitative surveys. This methodology was designed to foster a comprehensive understanding of contextual realities, identify potential risks related to the 'do no harm' principle and conflict sensitivity, and provide actionable recommendations. The study adhered to Search's Conflict Scan Methodology, ensuring a standardised and thorough approach to conflict analysis. Our research aimed to provide crucial insights to inform the RESILIAC project's interventions, enhancing its effectiveness in addressing complex economic and social challenges in the conflict-affected Lake Chad region.

Research team