Libya, Yemen

Final Evaluation "Advancing Tolerance in MENA"

Search for Common Ground

Bodhi conducted a mixed-methods final evaluation of the "Advancing Tolerance in MENA" violence prevention program, implemented by Search for Common Ground and the American Bar Association (ABA) in Yemen and Libya. We employed qualitative research methods and an 'outcomes harvesting' approach to identify and analyse both positive and negative unintended outcomes of the programming. Our evaluation assessed the program's contribution to violence prevention and its effectiveness in strengthening the capacity and resilience of at-risk groups in these countries. Using a participatory approach, we engaged key informants and stakeholders to rigorously examine each outcome and consider the links between them and potential change agents. This comprehensive evaluation aimed to provide insights into the effectiveness of violence prevention strategies in the MENA region, particularly in complex contexts like Yemen and Libya. The findings were designed to inform future programming and policy decisions in conflict-affected areas.

Research team