
Baseline Study of Uchaguzi Bila Bilaa: Violence Free Elections in Coastal Kenya

Search for Common Ground

Bodhi conducted a baseline study for Search for Common Ground's (SFCG) Uchaguzi Bila Bilaa programme, which aims to promote violence-free elections in Coastal Kenya. The study assessed the programme's initial context, focusing on its goal of strengthening community resilience to election-related violence by empowering local actors to identify, monitor, and de-escalate rising tensions. Our research examined community tensions and conflicts in the lead-up to, during, and after the 2022 Kenyan Elections. We also evaluated existing mechanisms available to de-escalate tensions raised during and after the election period. This comprehensive baseline study aimed to provide SFCG with a clear understanding of the pre-intervention landscape, enabling more effective implementation of the Uchaguzi Bila Bilaa programme. The findings will serve as a benchmark for measuring the programme's impact on reducing election-related violence and enhancing community resilience in Coastal Kenya.

Research team