
Participatory Action Research on social, political and economic inclusion of youths with disabilities: A case of Nairobi County

Sense International

Bodhi undertook a comprehensive assessment to understand the social, political, and economic inclusion and exclusion of youths with disabilities in Nairobi County. Our study focused on three distinct areas: Kibra, Westlands, and Buruburu, representing different socio-economic backgrounds. We conducted a systematic literature review, key informant interviews, focus group discussions, mobility mapping exercises, problem ranking activities, and a semi-structured survey. The research aimed to identify the barriers and facilitating factors affecting the inclusion of youths with disabilities. It examined the impact of social and political networks on access to services, education, employment, and livelihoods. Data was disaggregated by gender, socio-economic status, and type of disability to ensure a comprehensive understanding. Our findings highlighted significant challenges in accessing healthcare, education, social protection, and public transport. The study also revealed pervasive social and cultural stigmas, particularly against women with disabilities, and the critical role of community and family support in enhancing social inclusion. Based on these insights, we developed targeted programming options to improve the inclusion of youths with disabilities in Nairobi County.

Research team