Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Nigeria

Final Evaluation:Incubator of Actors of Pluralism in the Sahel

Observatoire Pharos

Bodhi conducted an evaluation for the Observatoire Pharos’ project “Incubateur des Acteurs du Pluralisme au Sahel (IAPS)” with support from the Agence Française de Développement and the Nicolas Puech Foundation in Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, and Nigeria. The objective was to assess the project’s contribution to strengthening social cohesion and cultural and religious pluralism. The mid-term evaluation aimed to determine the project's relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, and impact, while identifying both expected and unforeseen changes. Additionally, it sought to capitalise on good practices in project governance. Bodhi employed an Outcome-Oriented Approach (AOC), particularly focusing on outcome harvesting. Using a theory-based evaluation approach, we structured the evaluation according to DAC criteria: relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability. We integrated gender sensitivity and feminist research principles, involving key informants and stakeholders to gather evidence of change and analyse the project's contributions. Bodhi co-designed the evaluation framework in close consultation with the project team, ensuring alignment with the project’s goals. Throughout the evaluation, we maintained close cooperation and consultation with the Observatoire Pharos team managing the study, providing actionable, evidence-based recommendations for future programming.