Sierra Leone

Final Evaluation: Safer Schools for Girls (SS4G)

Plan International

Bodhi conducted an endline evaluation of Plan International Sierra Leone's project to address school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) in Koinadugu district, funded by Comic Relief in partnership with FCDO under the Maanda Initiative (2020-2024). The evaluation aimed to assess progress towards project outcomes, evaluate the impact on target communities and participants, and document key challenges and lessons learned for future programming. The evaluation focused on the effectiveness of the project in achieving its objectives, sustainability measures, efficiency of delivery, and the quality of Project MEL systems. Bodhi used a mixed methods approach, incorporating both quantitative and qualitative data, and employed the outcomes harvesting methodology to identify and analyse changes. The evaluation was structured around the OECD-DAC criteria, assessing relevance, coherence, efficiency, effectiveness, impact, and sustainability. Bodhi's approach was gender-responsive, inclusive, and participatory, ensuring a gender-sensitive, intersectional analysis. The evaluation involved refining questions, reviewing data collection instruments, and analysing data from a representative sample of participants in the 10 schools and respective communities. The process included three phases: inception and desk review, primary data collection, and data analysis and reporting. The findings provided actionable recommendations for future programming and highlighted success stories and the effectiveness of the community feedback mechanism (Telerivet).

Research team